16S rRNA Refseq V15.23 Genomic RefSeq V10.1
Human Oral Microbiome Taxon Description
Bacteroidales [G-2] bacterium HMT 274
Human Microbial Taxon ID:274Body Site:Oral
Unnamed - Cultured
Oral Clone AU126 [1-3]
Oral Strain KCL-W5603
Oral Strain TFI-F0058
Reference Strain:
Family:Bacteroidales [F-2]
Genus:Bacteroidales [G-2]
Species:bacterium HMT 274
NCBI Taxonomy ID:
16S rRNA Reference Sequences:
HOMD RefSeq ID: 274AU126,274_8173

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By molecular cloning:
Clones seen = 51 / 34879 = 0.146%
Rank Abundance = Tied for 125
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General Information:
Bacteroidetes bacterium Oral taxon 274 strain F0058 has been isolated from a human subject by the Moore's Laboratory in November 1984. The subject was a 39 year old American black male. The bacteria was isolated from the subgingival oral biofilm at a site with moderate periodontitis. The bacteria was grown in anaerobic conditions. The partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene was deposited to GenBank under the reference FJ577256. The strain is available at www.bei.org under the reference HM-4. This strain is part of the reference strains for the oral section of the Human Microbiome Project.
Phenotypic Characteristics:
Presumptively Gram negative
Presumptively anaerobic
Prevalence and Source:
26 clones found in libraries from 7 subjects
Present in 20% of subgingival sites in healthy subjects and 76% of subgingival sites in periodontitis subjects with a prevalence ratio of 3.85 This disease association is higher than that of T. denticola, P. gingivalis or T. forsythensis [2]
Disease Associations:
Present in 20% of subgingival sites in healthy subjects and 76% of subgingival sites in periodontitis subjects with a prevalence ratio of 3.85 This disease association is higher thatn that of T. denticola, P. gingivalis or T. forsythensis [2]
PubMed database:
[1] Paster BJ, Boches SK, Galvin JL, Ericson RE, Lau CN, Levanos VA, Sahasrabudhe A, Dewhirst FE. Bacterial diversity in human subgingival plaque. J Bacteriol. 2001 Jun;183(12):3770-83  [PubMed]
[2] Kumar PS, Griffen AL, Barton JA, Paster BJ, Moeschberger ML, Leys EJ. New bacterial species associated with chronic periodontitis. J Dent Res. 2003 May;82(5):338-44  [PubMed]
[3] Li CL, Liang JP, Jiang YT. Association of uncultivated oral phylotypes AU126 and X112 with periodontitis. Oral Dis. 2006 Jul;12(4):371-4  [PubMed]
Creation Info:   Latest Modification:  Jacques,  2009-12-11 13:21:08
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