16S rRNA Refseq Genomic RefSeq
Human Oral Microbiome Taxon Description
Parvimonas micra
Human Microbial Taxon ID:111Body Site:Oral
Named - Cultured
Peptostreptococcus micros
Streptococcus anaerobius
Streptococcus micros
Strain Information:
ATCC 33270
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NCBI Taxonomy ID:
16S rRNA Reference Sequences:
HOMD RefSeq ID: 111BS044,111FG014,111_3523

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PubMed Search:103  [PubMed Link]
Nucleotide Search:431  [Entrez Nucleotide Link]
Protein Search:4480  [Entrez Protein Link]
By molecular cloning:
Clones seen = 237 / 34879 = 0.679%
Rank Abundance = 27
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General Information:
This species is known to be heterogeneous with micro-variation among 16S rRNA sequences, including between operons within strains and phenotypic variation including colonial appearance [1].
Colonies on horse blood agar are around 1 mm in diameter, circular, entire, opaque white or translucent gray and may be smooth or rough after 4 days anaerobic incubation.
Phenotypic Characteristics:
Small (0.3 -0.7 micron diameter) Gram-positive cocci occurring in pairs and short chains [2]. Obligate anaerobe. Strains are asaccharolytic and the end-products of metabolism are primarily acetate with small amounts of lactate and sometimes succinate produced. The mol % G+C content of the DNA is 27-28.
Prevalence and Source:
Parvimonas micra is a commonly found oral species and is isolated from dental plaque and the tongue in health and a variety of oral disease associated microbiota including periodontitis, endodontic and dentoalveolar infections, pericoronitis and advanced dental caries.
Disease Associations:
Has been isolated from most types of oral infection. Is a particularly frequent isolate from acute dentoalveolar infections where it is often a member of the 15-20 species consortium associated with the condition. Has also been isolated from clinical specimens obtained from infections at other body sites, primarily soft-tissue abscesses and bite wounds. These are primarily at sites above the diaphragm suggesting that the mouth is the primary habitat.
PubMed database:
[1] van Dalen PJ, van Steenbergen TJ, Cowan MM, Busscher HJ, de Graaff J. Description of two morphotypes of Peptostreptococcus micros. Int J Syst Bacteriol. 1993 Oct;43(4):787-93  [PubMed]
Non-PubMed database:
[2] Holdeman Moore LV, Johnson JL, Moore, WEC.  The genus Peptostreptococcus.  Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology 1986; Vol. 2, pp. 1090-1091.  
Curator:  William Wade
Creation Info:   2007-12-31Latest Modification:  wenhan,  2008-01-23 13:30:00
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