16S rRNA Refseq V15.23 Genomic RefSeq V10.1
Sequence Meta Information:
Bacillus anthracis A0248
Info available in HOMD database:  
1Oral Taxon ID824
2HOMD Sequence IDSEQF1708
3HOMD Name (Genus, Species)Bacillus anthracis
4Genome Sequence Name
(Name associated with genomic sequence)
Bacillus anthracis
5Comments on NameNA
6Culture Collection Entry NumberA0248
7Isolate OriginNA
8Sequencing StatusComplete
9NCBI Taxonomy ID592021
10NCBI Genome BioProject ID33543
11NCBI Genome BioSample IDSAMN02603932
12GenBank Accession IDCP001597, CP001598, CP001599
13Genbank Assembly IDGCA_000022865.1
14Number of Contigs and Singlets3
15Combined Length (bps)5,503,926
16GC Percentage35.24
17Sequencing CenterThe J. Craig Venter Institute
18ATCC Medium NumberNA
19Non-ATCC MediumNA
2016S rRNA Gene SequenceNA
21Comments for 16s rRNA Gene SequenceNA
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