16S rRNA Refseq Genomic RefSeq
Sequence Meta Information:
Escherichia coli 0157:H7 str. Sakai
Info available in HOMD database:  
1Oral Taxon ID574
2HOMD Sequence IDSEQF1408
3HOMD Name (Genus, Species)Escherichia coli
4Genome Sequence Name
(Name associated with genomic sequence)
Escherichia coli
5Comments on Name
6Culture Collection Entry Number0157:H7 str. Sakai
7Isolate OriginNA
8Sequencing StatusComplete
9NCBI Taxonomy ID386585
10NCBI Genome BioProject ID226
11NCBI Genome BioSample IDSAMN01911278
12GenBank Accession IDBA000007,AB011549,AB011548
13Genbank Assembly IDGCA_000008865.2
14Number of Contigs and Singlets3
15Combined Length (bps)5,594,605
16GC Percentage50.48
17Sequencing CenterOsaka Univ.
18ATCC Medium NumberNA
19Non-ATCC MediumNA
2016S rRNA Gene Sequence
21Comments for 16s rRNA Gene Sequence
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