16S rRNA Refseq V15.23 Genomic RefSeq V10.1
HOMD User Documentation     
Change of taxon ID prefix from HOT to HMT
Due to the inclusion of microbial taxa that are found in the human nasal passages, The old taxonomy ID prefix "HOT" (human oral taxon) is no longer valid and has been changed to "HMT" (human microbial taxon) to be more inclusive for the taxa described in the current and future eHOMD. The specific taxon associated with the 3-digit HOT IDs have not been changed. For example, the species Abiotrophia defectiva used to be represented by HOT-389 and now is HMT-389. All new taxa that have been or will be added, will have a unqiue number that has not been used before.

~ The HOMD Team ~
Article last modified on 2018-03-31 07:07:12 by tsute; viewed 901 times; Category: General Documentation; Topic: Announcement
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